Winterize Your Rain Barrel

With all the cold and snow we're already getting in Calgary, we're fielding a lot of questions about how to prepare your rain barrel for winter. Well, never fear! We have your solutions here. 

Green Calgary (triple outlet) barrels with a hose kit:
1. Remove the black overflow hose, brass tap, and other connecting pieces, & store for next spring.
2. Turn your barrel upside down & drain completely (hint, there is an outlet on the top front section of the barrel that can be unscrewed and used to remove water and to help give the barrel a rinse if needed). 
3. Store & secure your barrel for the winter. Ideally, move the barrel into a garage/shed if you can, but if you are leaving it outdoors, store it upside down and secure it to prevent damage & water accumulating.
4. Reconnect your downspout to allow melting snow to drain away from your foundation.

You can also sign up for on of our winterizing sessions each Fall. The 2023 class schedule is complete. Please stay tuned for the 2024 schedule!

Become a member of Green Calgary here!


Please note: If you already have frozen water in your barrel, put it out in the sun or bring it indoors to melt the ice, then follow the steps above. Hopefully, your barrel and plastic fittings haven't cracked. If there are very small cracks on the barrel, you may be able to use waterproof caulking to prevent leaks. If the plastic fittings have small cracks, store the barrel securely to prevent further damage and email us with a photo at to see if it can be repaired.
If you have any questions, please email or call our EcoStore: 403-230-1443 ext 222. We're here to help!

KEYWORDS: winterize rain barrel, winterize rain barrels, winter rain barrel, winter rain barrels, winterize a rain barrel, winter a rain barrel