Our Composters & Accessories

Did you know that food and yard waste make up over 50% of the garbage from our homes? And when it ends up in our landfills, it results in large amounts of methane - a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change?

Do your part to reduce the amount of organic waste that goes into our landfills - compost! We help make it simple and affordable by offering a range of products to suit your needs.

The compost you produce can:

  • help your soil hold water better;
  • discourage weeds;
  • add essential nutrients to your garden;
  • reduce the need for toxic chemicals;
  • and provide a healthier yard and garden.

We offer indoor and outdoor composting options - with both product and one-on-one support to help you get started in your home, office or school.


VERMICOMPOSTING: Indoor composting using worms, food scraps & a bit of newspaper. Contact us for more information!

Red Wiggler Worm Starter Kit:

Buy your red wiggler worms for vermicomposting! Ideal for the enthusiastic gardener or worm lover.

Available as a Small (2 litre) or Large (4 litre) Starter Kit. Kits contain worms, bedding, and some food to allow them to live in the kit for an extended period of time before being set up in your worm bin.

With this live product we require approximately 4 weeks prior to pick-up as we receive the worms monthly. Please call the store or email to confirm your order and pick-up date.

Small Kit $67.50 (+GST)

includes approximately 300 - 500 worrms with some food and bedding  

Large Kit $108.00 (+GST)

includes approximately 600 - 800 worrms with some food and bedding 

Exchange Policy: As Green Calgary is a local grassroots charity, all proceeds from our EcoStore & community sales support our local environmental programs & initiatives. As a result, we do not offer refunds. However, we will happily exchange a defective product, with a valid receipt, for a limited time after purchase.

If you're not sure about the product you are considering purchasing, please take your time in making your decision. We support conscious consumerism and never want you to feel pressured to buy a product you may not use or want. Thank you for your support and understanding.