Green Calgary's Blog

I remarked at the outset of this blog that the development of Calgary as an urban center has placed a forest where none should naturally stand. Even a cursory inspection of the online archive of historic photographs available from the …

Yesterday evening, in the last minutes of the gloaming, I was called to the kitchen window by the chatter and cries of irate crows and magpies. This behavior I usually associate with the arrival of a hawk or other large raptor in the v…

The last post commented on water; this one is about land. It should be clear that the two are inseparable in an ecological sense. Once we appreciate that water often gets its character from land (and vice versa) and that we must be min…

Storm sewers and the Calgary storm sewer network are surprisingly easy to learn about. A quick internet search using the terms "Calgary" and "storm sewer" leads immediately to a large number of high-quality, varied,…

INTRODUCTION TO 'THE CALGARY UNEARTHED SERIES'  Approximately eighty percent of Canadians live in cities, according to recent statistical data. This means that for four out of five Canadians, daily interaction with the …