Green Calgary's Blog

8 Ways to Green Up Eating Out

Posted on February 27, 2016

According to CBC, more than 31 billion dollars worth of food is wasted every year in Canada. While eating at home allows us to have more control over the food choices we make, we couldn’t give up an occasional meal out, so here are 8 g…

9 Things to Lower Your Energy Impact

Posted on February 20, 2016

When you conserve energy, you not only save money, you can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. There are many ways, big and small, to use less power, but quick & simple changes are a good place t…

9 Free & Green#YYC Family Day Ideas

Posted on February 12, 2016

Got plans for Family Day? Staying close to home is great for the planet and we've got 9 fun (& free!) ideas to enjoy Family Day right here in #YYC:  1. Winter Carnival: Head down to Fort Calgary for free sleigh rides, indoor carniv…

Do you know a young person with great ideas for the future? We’re inviting youth to create a project on the development of a renewable energy product, technology, or service for our first ever Energy Revolution Fair. Special thanks to …