Stormwater in the City are tailored to meet science curriculum connections for the following grade:

Grade 8 – Freshwater and Saltwater Systems:  Grade 8 classes consider water quantity and quality issues arising in urban landscapes by exploring how stormwater drainage, surface permeability and overland runoff can impact an aquatic system. The program inspires creativity by challenging students to solve social, economic, scientific and technical issues related to the design and use of rainwater harvesting systems and the promotion of water conservation and protection.

The program activity is also appropriate for Grades 4-9: Since the program involves a hands-on and open-ended problem solving activity, it can be adapted to suit Grades 4 to 9. Challenges can be adapted to varying levels of difficulty and provide practice skills in group work, problem solving, analytical thinking and the design and construction of structures. 

      Program Benefits:

  • Activities are designed to fully engage participants in an experiential, hands-on manner. The program is inquiry based, as students investigate a practical environmental issue and develop prospective solutions. 
  • The program helps extend the science curriculum to local issues students can relate to and addresses many other learner expectations and skills.
  • The program serves as a great way to introduce the unit to students and capture their interest, or as a wrap-up activity to reinforce student’s application of knowledge.