World Water Day 2020

Posted on March 20, 2020

It's World Water Day on March 22nd! The theme for this year's celebration is water and climate change, and how those two are linked. You can read more about this here.

For Calgarians, though, our own water is much more top of mind! Here are some things to remember about water in Calgary:

  • Our drinking water is some of the best! It's also completely screened for disease and is very clean.
  • To help with the financial difficulties of Calgarians at this time, Mayor Naheed Nenshi announced plans to let Calgarians defer their water bills.
  • Conserving water will help to reduce stress on the already stressed utilities in Calgary. Here are some of our favourite water conservation ideas:
  1. 1. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruit or leftover water in drinking glasses and use it to water your plants.
  2. 2. Time your showers and set a goal to lower your time! A great way to do this is to play music and try to reduce the number of songs you hear while showering!
  3. 3. When doing laundry, make sure you have a full load. Same with the dishwasher. Full loads are a more efficient use of water!
  4. 4. Turn your tap off when you're brushing your teeth.
  5. 5. Low flow toilets, low flow showerheads, and tap aerators all increase the efficiency of your water usage.
  6. 6. Fix leaks ASAP. Even a tiny leak can lose you huge amounts of water each month. Check how on the City of Calgary's website.


Keep safe in these uncertain times and remember to share acts of kindness on social media with the #AlbertaCares hashtag. You can find us on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.