Waste Audits
A waste audit helps your company meet LEED and BOMA BEST compliance for waste and recycling programs, while offering a series of practical recommendations that can assist in the implementation of waste reduction programs and can help save hauling costs over the long term.
The process employs a sort-and-weigh method of measuring the overall rate of waste diversion and the composition of waste, recycling, and organic streams. By analyzing a sampling of the waste generated, a review of quantitative and qualitative data provides a custom report which can be used to support company-wide sustainability initiatives and update building verifications for certifications such as LEED and BOMA BEST.
Waste Audit Options
In-Person Waste Audit
Limited exposure sort-and-weigh waste audit to quantify material compositions of the landfill, recycling, and compost stream. The resulting report provide comprehensive yet practical suggestions for waste reduction plans for your building to help your team reach your sustainability goals.
- LEED and BOMA Best compliant procedures
- Building must be at a minimum of 50% capacity and have no known COVID cases
Waste Audit Update (Compliant with BOMA BEST Pathway 1)
Report created based on a past BOMA compliant waste audit, using waste compositions and 12 months of building specific pick-up weights (from hauler). The customized report will include recommendations for future waste diversion to support your company’s sustainability initiatives.
- Hauler must provide building-specific weights for each waste stream (waste, recycling, compost) prior to March 2020
- Capture rates cannot be calculated
Planned Proposal (Compliant with BOMA BEST Pathway 2, 3 and 4)
A customized proposal outlining the planned schedule, check-ins, cost, and procedure of the future in-person waste audit. A Green Calgary consultant will help keep you on track with your building’s sustainability goals. The waste audit will be performed only once the building has reached 50% density capacity prior to December 31, 2021 (date may change based on future circumstances of COVID-19).
- Pathway 2 (deferral approval and future commitment) is for clients that have a density occupancy over 50% but an auditor is not permitted to complete audit due to COVID-19 restrictions. In this case the audit can be deferred, and a future commitment must be established.
- Pathway 3 (past compliance and future commitment) is for clients that have previously performed a BOMA Best compliant waste audit, but cannot complete the waste audit update. This pathway requires a future commitment to be established.
- Pathway 4 (plan of intent and future commitment) is for clients that have not performed a BOMA Best compliant waste audit and a future commitment must be established.
- Price of proposal is non-refundable and will go towards the future in-person waste audit