What to Do this Neighbour Day?
Posted on June 19, 2015
Neighbour Day was created to recognize and remember how Calgary's communities came together to help their neighbours in the wake of the 2013 flood. As many of you may remember, the flood resulted in an estimated full year of garbage in Calgary in just a few hours.
As we commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the flood and remember how we all cleaned up our city together, we're happy to host our last rain barrel sale of the season on Neighbour Day! And in conjunction with an opportunity to harvest rain on your property or get composting, London Drugs, one of our rain barrel sales sponsors, is giving #yyc a chance to help get into the spirit of Neighbour Day!
Are you spring cleaning? Finding items around your home or yard that remain unloved and unwanted? Then head to Brentwood London Drugs location on Neighbour Day to drop off electronics, small appliances, styrofoam packaging, ink cartridges, batteries, light bulbs and more. For details on what you can drop off go here!
The City of Calgary’s Animal & Bylaw Services, in partnership with Waste & Recycling and community associations, will also be setting up their packing trucks at local community centres on Neighbour Day. They will be accepting mattresses, garbage, grass clippings and many items that do not fit in waste and recycling carts. You can learn more here.
After your hard work, make sure to come together as a community for some refreshing and tasty rewards. Check out the City of Calgary website for ideas on how you can celebrate together or events going on in your community such as block parties and BBQs!