Know Before You Throw Beta Launch

Posted on October 17, 2022

Green Calgary is excited to beta launch its new waste search tool for businesses and property managers, “Know Before You Throw”! This tool is meant to help commercial and industrial sectors, as well as property managers for multi-family residential buildings, to find haulers or depots to deal with occasional, specialty, or recurring waste, while giving more guidance around the proper disposal of those materials. The tool was built using the ReCollect waste wizard ( and in partnership with the City of Calgary (

The tool is still being built, but we’ve started with a soft launch of the beta during Small Business Week and Waste Reduction Week to gain some attention to get help to test it! We’re inviting anyone interested to visit the link below ( and try doing a few searches – keeping in mind that the information in the tool is only partially complete and meant for businesses. We have a form you can fill out afterwards, which we will then use as we continue to develop the tool (link below). Thank you to anyone who is willing to help us out!

Link to the tool:

Link to the feedback form: