Committing to Living Greener
Posted on January 2, 2015
As we welcome in a new year, we are often confronted with a sense of starting things anew and making resolutions. Every year, we, at Green Calgary, evaluate the ways we could be just a wee bit greener. Living greener is not just a new year's resolution - it's something we, as staff, demonstrate in a myriad of ways. We don't all do the same things and we often fall short of perfection. But we do have a commitment to all live a greener life and hope to inspire our loved ones, colleagues, and acquaintances to do the same. And that's a great resolution on its own.
Do you want to be a bit greener this year? Our program offerings are designed to empower you to take a few small actions that will make a significant difference to the health of our city and ultimately our planet.
Still not composting? Let us help - it doesn't take much to get started. Thinking about doing a little rain harvesting this growing season? Let us get you fitted with your own barrel and help you capture mother nature's goodness for your garden. Interested in lowering your household utility bill? Sign up for a Green Tea. Want to do a little more upcycling instead of just recycling? Sign up for a Natural Living series workshop.
You don't have to do it all. It's these little changes that can make a significant difference when we all commit to incorporating them into our lives. We hope you'll commit to living a bit greener this year and join us to learn how!