4 Reasons Solar Power is an Albertan Energy Solution
Posted on March 2, 2018
We all know that solar energy is one of the big power sources for the renewable energy sector, and that the sun’s cosmic rays are a significant and persistent source of energy. But what many of us miss is that solar energy isn’t just a great energy solution, it’s a great energy solution in Alberta! Here are 4 reasons why:
1. Location. Alberta is particularly sunny on the average day, making it a great place to take advantage of the sun’s rays, even when it’s winter! Snow melts quick and wind blows it away.
2. Growth. The solar economy is growing drastically. Each year, projections keep putting their bets on renewables having more and more of the share of the markets going forward – and that’s driving investment.
3. Community. Solar doesn’t only fit in Alberta economically, it also fits in the communities of Alberta. New solar installations from First Nations groups, for example, show that micro-generation can offset costs for communities. Banff, too, benefits from new solar installations that save the town $15,000/year!
4. Cost. Solar power has gone down in cost significantly in the past 40 years. Cost of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells has dropped from USD $79.40/watt in 1976 to $0.41/watt in 2016 according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. This is only one technology, with new solar tech being developed all the time!
All of these factors show that solar power is a great energy source for Albertans and Calgarians! Did you want to learn more about solar technology and new advancements? Join Green Calgary and SkyFire Energy March 8th for Solar Appreciation Day!