Waste Buds

Waste Buds is a fun, hands-on workshop for non-school groups and summer camps. Participants will compete in a waste-sorting relay game, discover what happens to their recycled and composted materials, and work in teams to find ways to reduce waste! The workshop also includes your choice of a collaborative landfill design and build activity to discover what happens in our City of Calgary landfills, or a craft made from recycled materials.


Suitable age: 6 - 13

Length: One hour

Maximum Capacity limit: 30 participants

Cost: $250 + GST*

*Each presentation is valued at $250.00. However, we strive for equal access for          all Calgarians to environmental education and empowerment, so IF cost is a barrier, we ask that your organization makes the contribution that you can afford and you will be invoiced accordingly. 

Email education@greencalgary.org for more information, or book a program today