Green Calgary's Backyard Composting Guide: A 12 page guide developed by Green Calgary (revised 2015) with an overview of backyard composting in Calgary, FAQs, and a list of resources to help the novice, intermediate and expert backyard composter.

Green Calgary's Vermicomposting Guide: An 8 page guide developed by Green Calgary (revised 2016) with the  basics, lots of troubleshooting, and additional information to help the novice and intermediate vermicomposter.

Green Calgary's Bokashi Guide: A 4 page guide developed by Green Calgary (revised 2015) with the basics, tips to help fix any issues and additional information to help the novice and intermediate bokashi composter.

Backyard Composting Tip Sheet: A 2 page tip sheet to give you the basics on managing your household organic waste.

Bokashi Composting Tip Sheet: A 2 page tip sheet to give you the basics on managing your household food waste.

Vermicomposting Tip Sheet: A 2 page tip sheet to give you the basics on how worms can help manage your food waste.