Helping Green Calgary's Stampede

Posted on July 29, 2015

This July, we worked with Stampede Caravan and Stampede event organizers like Bentall Kennedy, Chinook Centre, South Centre, and community associations to green 8 stampede breakfasts serving almost 100,000 people. We helped divert over 2,100 kgs of waste away from the landfill from these 8 breakfasts alone!

Did you know that a diversion rate of 95% or higher is considered a zero waste event?
The average rate of diversion (that is, the amount diverted from the landfill) was 83%. One of the breakfasts we worked on this year was able to achieve a 99% diversion rate making it a zero waste event!

We still have a long way to go as there are dozens of breakfasts, BBQs and other special events hosted each year during Stampede. And each year, we're able to work with more and more organizations and events to go greener. You can help make a difference by encouraging more Stampede hosts to consider greening their events. A little planning, supervised and well labeled bins, and encouraging your vendors to support your initiatives can go a long way in diverting waste. Want to green your next event and need help? Contact Alex or Tracy for more info or to get a quote.