12 Days of Christmas

Posted on December 13, 2016

As the holiday approaches, for many of us it’s easy to get lost in the scramble to get everything done, and still give back to the planet. Here are 12 things you can do for our planet leading up to Christmas:

Dec 13: Shop Smart. Still have some shopping to do for the holidays? Reduce your footprint by carpooling with friends or taking transit to the malls, and plan for a litterless lunch to take with you. Also consider looking at our 10 green gift giving tips

Dec 14: Decorate Ahead. Last minute decorating is the worst, but there are some things you can do that are green and fast. Consider picking up second-hand decorations, using fewer holiday lights, or making your own decorations. Here’s some inspiration to get you started!

Dec 15: Turn it Off. Whether it’s your car from shopping or your Christmas lights at home, it’s important to remember not to leave things running. Keeping warm in your car by idling while waiting for others is nice, but it wastes your gas (and your money!) while hurting the environment. Dress a bit warmer and shut it off instead! How about the Christmas lights at home, outside and in? Let them be enjoyed when most people will see them – from sunset to bedtime, and keep them off at other times. You can even get a timer!

Dec 16: Get Ready for Family. When your family is going to come over, it’s a great time to show them how to be green! There’s lots you can do, but one of the best is greening your celebrations!

Dec 17: Eat Green. We don’t mean vegetables, but some of our #meatlessmonday meals could give you some ideas! Even simpler, just look to avoid food waste!

Dec 18: Christmas Cards. Paper Christmas cards add to our recycling bins. Instead, send a digital card to friends and family. You can also reuse cards from years past. With recycled paper, cut off the front of old cards and paste them to the recycled paper. You could even just send the front half like a post card!

Dec 19: Trees for Inside. If you can, get a real tree. The City’s recycling program can mulch and recycle a tree and if that doesn’t work there are plenty of other options for getting that green (and lovely smell) in your home.

Dec 20: Keep Warm. There is tons you can do to make sure your home is cozy for the holidays. Changing your furnace filter regularly will make it run more efficiently and save you money. As the cold weather continues, now is the time to make sure you're doing those little things to save energy (and your wallet) while keeping warm. We have more winterizing tips here

Dec 21: Keep your Walk Clear. Increased postal delivery, carolers, and family will all need to use the walkway to your home. Shovel regularly, and check out these ideas for green de-icers. If you have a snow service, ask if they would consider using natural products. Whole Canadian communities do already

Dec 22: Light Up Responsibly. If you’re lighting candles at home, whether just for yourself or for a dinner, avoid petroleum-derived paraffin wax and instead look for beeswax, soy, or vegetable wax candles.

Dec 23: Eating Out. This time of year, many of us will look to meet with friends and families outside the home. Staying in is cheaper and more green friendly, but there are ways to make good decisions when you eat out, too! Check out more information on our blog here!

Dec 24: Outdoor Activities. If you’ve got everything done, it’s a great time to relax and what better way to do that than outdoors? You could take a walk at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, or go to Fish Creek Provincial Park where you can hike, snowshoe, or cross-country ski! You could also try tobogganing or ice skating all around the city!

Dec 25: Give Extras to Charities. The day has arrived and you got another sweater when you have plenty. Maybe you replaced some older pots and pans. Why not give your older stuff away and make more room in your home? Local shelters, thrift stores, and other charities could use your old stuff, and now others can get Christmas gifts, too!

You’ve done your best to keep the holidays as Earth-friendly as possible. Now take a break with friends and family. May all your holidays be green! Happy Christmas!